Sunday, May 31, 2020

Funny Quotes

Life can be funny sometimes. Well, so can life quotes… This is a list of the funny life quotes we could find :


"If you didn't see it with your own eyes, or hear it with your own ears, don't invent it with your small mind and share it with your big mouth!" - Anonymous

"When a door closes another door should open, but if it doesn't then go in through the window." - Anonymous

"A good speech should be like a woman's skirt: long enough to cover the subject and short enough to create interest." - Winston Churchill

Friday, May 29, 2020

Istilah - istilah Dalam Fotografi

Buat Anda yang menyukai atau baru kenal dengan dunia fotografi dan terkadang masih bingung dengan istilah-istilah fotografi yang lumayan ribet seperti exposure, focal length dan lain-lainnya tapi malu untuk bertanya. Nah untuk membantu Anda, dalam artikel kali ini saya telah merangkum beberapa istilah umum mengenai fotografi.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Interesting and Cool Facts About Human's DNA

It's really fun, useful and interesting to found out Facts about our  DNA.
So continue reading below :

  1. DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid.
  2. DNA is part of our definition of a living organism and DNA is found in all living things.
  3. DNA was first isolated in 1869 by Friedrich Miescher. Then James Watson and Francis Crick figured out the structure of DNA.
  4. Almost all the cells in our body have DNA with the exception of red blood cells.
  5. A parent and child share 99.5% of the same DNA.
  6. You have 98% of your DNA in common with a chimpanzee.
  7. If you could type 60 words per minute, eight hours a day, it would take approximately 50 years to type the human genome.
  8. If you put all the DNA molecules in your body end to end, the DNA would reach from the Earth to the Sun and back over 600 times (100 trillion times six feet divided by 92 million miles).
  9. Humans and cabbage share about 40-50% common DNA.
  10. Humans have at least 30,000 genes but Goldfish have more genes than humans do.
  11. DNA is the “blueprint” of life.
  12. Every human being shares 99% of their DNA with every other human.
  13. Our entire DNA sequence is called a genome and there’s an estimated 3 billion DNA bases in our genome.
  14. Changes in the DNA sequence are called mutations, Many thing can cause mutations, including UV irradiation from the sun, chemicals like drugs, etc. Mutations can involve more than one DNA base, Mutations can involve entire segments of chromosomes.
  15. Even though it codes for all the information that makes up an organism, DNA is built using only four building blocks, the nucleotides adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine.
  16. Your gender and physical characteristics are determined by your DNA.
  17. The DNA ladder usually twists to the right.
  18. One million bases (called a megabase and abbreviated Mb) of DNA sequence data is roughly equivalent to 1 megabyte of computer data storage space.
  19. If you unwrap all the DNA you have in all your cells, you could reach the moon 6000 times!
  20. DNA tests can help you understand your risk of disease.
  21. A DNA mutation or variation may be associated with a higher risk of a number of diseases, including breast cancer.
  22. DNA tests can help you understand your family history aka genetic genealogy.
  23. Genes are made of DNA.
  24. Genes are pieces of DNA passed from parent to offspring that contain hereditary information.
  25. DNA is affected by the environment; environmental factors can turn genes on and off.
  26. DNA is used in identify victims of accidents or crime.
  27. DNA is used to exonerate innocent people who’ve been wrongly convicted.
  28. Many countries, including the US and UK, maintain a DNA database of convicted criminals.
  29. DNA can be extracted from many different types of samples: blood, cheek cells, urine.
  30. DNA can be stored either as cells on a cotton swab, buccal brush, or frozen blood or in extracted form.
  31. In forensics, DNA analysis usually looks at 13 specific DNA markers (segments of DNA).
  32. Our sex cells–eggs and sperm–have only half of our total DNA.
  33. Lists about DNA can get a little boring.

Source :

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Menjadi Pribadi yang Ramah Lingkungan

Apakah Anda termasuk orang yang menyukai gaya hidup hidup ramah lingkungan? Seperti apa sih gaya hidup ramah lingkungan itu?
Para pendukung gaya hidup ramah lingkungan biasanya menjalani kehidupan mereka dengan cara yang konsisten dan berkelanjutan, selalu berusaha menjaga keseimbangan alam dan menghargai hubungan simbiosis antara manusia dengan ekologi dan siklus alam.

Berikut ini hal-hal sederhana yang bisa Anda lakukan sehari-hari sebagai usaha kalau Anda juga perduli terhadap lingkungan sekitar :

Friday, May 15, 2020

Istilah - istilah Umum Dalam Dunia Internet

Kali ini saya mau berbagi mengenai istilah dalam dunia internet. Bagi kamu-kamu yang baru mengenal dunia Internet pasti sering menemukan istilah-istilah berikut :

ATTACHMENT - Fasilitas untuk melampirkan sesuatu dalam pengiriman e-mail baik itu berupa gambar atau dokumen lainnya.
ADMIN - Berasal dari kata administrator, yaitu seseorang yang mempunyai tingkatan tertinggi dalam suatu jaringan dan bertugas untuk mengatur jaringan tersebut.

Monday, May 11, 2020

How to Distinguish Between a Friend and a Lover

Let's talk about love. Love isn't always easy. It's complicated. Sometimes we are trapped in the wicked game of friendship versus our feelings. Sure, it's not simple to know if you love someone or if you're just friends. It can hurt and there may be a few broken hearts on the way but once you know where your true feelings lie, it will be worth it and you can move on.

Love : A decision to put the needs of another before your own.

Friendship : An enjoyable bond with another with some common interest(s).

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Tips Buat Pemegang Kartu Kredit Pemula

Masih ingat dengan film Confessions of a Sopaholic yang dibintangi oleh Isla Fisher dan Hugh Dancy? Film komedi romantis yang menceritakan seorang cewek bernama Rebecca Bloomwood yang sangat 'gila’ belanja dan tidak bisa mengendalikan diri dalam berbelanja sehingga harus berurusan dan dikejar - kejar dengan debt collector karena tidak bisa membayar semua utang kartu kreditnya yang sudah jatuh tempo. Hal seperti ini bukan hanya terjadi di dalam film loh tetapi juga di dunia nyata.
Hmmm….buat Anda - anda yang lagi happy karena aplikasi kartu kredit Anda akhirnya disetujui, jangan keburu senang yaah, seharusnya Anda lebih waspada karena bila Anda kurang bijak dalam menggunakan Kartu ajaib ini bisa saja Anda terjebak utang kartu kredit seperti yang dialami oleh jeng Rebecca Bloomwood.
Berikut ini beberapa tips yang perlu Anda ketahui agar  terhindar dari utang kartu kredit :

Unique Daily Quotes : Spiritual Quotes

"Spirituality does two things for you. One, you are forced to become more selfless,

two, you trust to providence. The opposite of a spiritual man is a materialist. If I was

a materialist I would be making lots ofmoney doing endorsements, doing cricket

commentary. I have no interest in that."

Imran Khan