Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Quotes From Kahlil Gibran

Khalil Gibran adalah seorang seniman, penyair dan penulis Lebanon Amerika yang  lahir di Lebanon 6 Januari 1883 dan meninggal di New York City, Amerika Serikat 10 April 1931 pada umur 48 tahun. Khalil Gibran menghabiskan sebagian besar masa produktifnya di Amerika Serikat. Karya terkenalnya adalah buku yang berjudul 'The Prophet' atau 'Sang Nabi.'

"In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed."

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Hari Ibu

Mother's Day atau Hari Ibu adalah hari peringatan atau perayaan terhadap peran seorang ibu dalam keluarganya, baik untuk suami, anak-anak, maupun lingkungan sosialnya. Dalam peringatan dan perayaannya biasanya dilakukan dengan membebastugaskankan ibu dari tugas sehari-hari dianggap merupakan kewajibannya seperti merawat anak, memasak dan urusan rumah tangga lainnya. Hari Ibu dirayakan hampir diseluruh dunia, paling sering pada bulan Maret atau Mei. Di Amerika dan lebih dari 75 negara lain, seperti Australia, Kanada , Jerman , Italia, Jepang , Belanda , Malaysia , Singapura, Taiwan, dan Hongkong, Hari Ibu atau Mother’s Day dirayakan pada hari Minggu di pekan kedua bulan Mei. 

Thursday, December 19, 2019

5 Teori Sains Yang Sangat Menarik

Sejak berabad yang lalu telah banyak ilmuan yang muncul dengan berbagai macam teori mereka masing-masing termasuk dengan cara-cara pembuktian teori mereka. Teori sendiri merupakan kumpulan ide untuk menjelaskan topik tertentu, biasanya teori dikembangkan melalui penggunaan bentuk-bentuk kontemplatif dan rasional, berpikir abstrak dan umum. Selain itu, teori ini sering didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip umum yang independen dari hal yang dijelaskan. Sebuah teori memberikan kerangka penjelasan untuk beberapa observasi, dan dari asumsi penjelasan yang ada timbul beberapa hipotesis yang dapat diuji dalam rangka memberikan dukungan bagi, atau tantangan untuk teori tersebut.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Fun Fact About Shark

  • The first sharks lived more than 400 million years ago—200 million years before the first dinosaurs. They have changed very little over the eons.
  • Sharks can be found in all of Earth’s oceans.
  • Sharks do not have a single bone in their bodies. Their skeletons are made of cartilage.
  • Sharks belong to a group of fish known as the elasmobranchs, or cartilaginous fishes. Rays and skates, which may have evolved from sharks, also belong to this group.
  • Because sharks very rarely get cancer, scientists study their cartilage in the hopes of finding a cure for the disease.
  • Sharks live in all seven of the world’s oceans, but they’re not confined solely to wide-open bodies of salt water. There are species that can survive in mixed salt- and freshwater environments like estuaries and watersheds that connect to an ocean, while other species can live in completely fresh water .
  • While blood likely does not provoke a shark to attack, a shark in the vicinity likely can detect the blood. Without any conclusive proof of how sharks might respond, some scientists suggest women stay out of the water while menstruating.
  • When a shark eats food that it can’t digest (like a turtle shell or tin can), it can vomit by thrusting its stomach out its mouth then pulling it back in.
  • A shark’s jaw is not attached to its cranium. Because its mouth is situated on the underside of its head, a shark can temporarily dislocate its jaw and jut it forward to take a bite
  • Before sandpaper was invented, people used the rough skin of sharks, called shagreen, to smooth and polish wood. Japanese warriors wrapped the skin around the handles of their swords to keep the swords from slipping out of their hands.
  • The first pup to hatch inside the sand tiger shark mother devours its brothers and sisters until there are only two pups left, one on each side of the womb. This form of cannibalism is called oophagy.
  • Weird things that have been found in shark stomachs include shoes, chairs, the rear half of a horse, a box of nails, a torpedo, drums, and bottles of wine.
  • There are at least 400 species of sharks that can be placed into eight groups, and new ones are being identified all the time. Of this large number, only about 30 species are known to attack humans—particularly the Great White, Tiger, Bull, Mako, and Hammerhead sharks. Most sharks are completely harmless.
  • For every human killed by a shark, humans kill two million sharks.
  • About two-thirds of shark attacks on humans have taken place in water less than six feet deep.
  • Most shark attacks occur less than 100 feet from the shore. Shark attacks happen all over the world, but mainly around popular beaches in North America (especially Florida and Hawaii), Australia, and South Africa.
  • More people are killed by bee stings and lightning than by shark attacks. Worldwide about 30 people die each year from shark attacks, which means a person has a one in 300 million chance of being killed by a shark. A shark attack most often occurs when a shark mistakes a person for a seal or other animal.
  • Sharks will often give warning signs before they attack, by arching their backs, raising their heads, and pointing their pectoral fins down.
  • The most bizarre feeding technique of all sharks is that of the Cookiecutter (cigar or luminous) shark. It attaches its mouth onto its victim and carves out a hunk of flesh, leaving a distinctive circular wound in its prey, like a pastry cutter. Its body has a series of holes called “photophores” that glow in the dark water. In fact, its scientific genus name is Isistius, from Isis, the Egyptian goddess of light
  • The Grey Reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos) has been called the “gangster shark” because of its highly aggressive nature.
  • Angel sharks were once called monkfish or bishop fish because their fins look like flowing robes.
  • The frilled shark, or eel shark, is called a “living fossil” because it is so much like some extinct sharks that are found preserved in rocks. Parts of its skeleton resemble those of sharks that became extinct 350 million years ago.
  • Portuguese sharks live at depths of 12,000 feet, which is over two miles deep.
  • As long as a shark’s back is mostly under water, it can swim easily. A nine-foot-long bull shark can swim in just two feet of water.
  • Many species of sharks have a movable, transparent nictitating membrane that covers and protects their eyes when they are attacking and eating.
  • Unlike fish, sharks do not have a swim bladder to keep them afloat—for this, sharks instead have a large oil-filled liver. Sharks that spend a lot of time on the surface, such as whale and basking sharks, have a massive liver.
  • Shark liver oil used to be the main source of vitamin A for humans. The liver of a basking shark can weigh over 1,800 pounds and contain 600 gallons of oil.
  • Contrary to popular belief, the stomach is not the largest organ inside a shark’s body. The liver is the largest organ and can be 25% of the shark’s weight.
  • Many Greenland sharks (Somniosus microcephalus) have small parasites on their eyes that glow in dark water. Scientists think these glowing parasites attract prey into the sharks’ mouths. These sharks also have poisonous flesh that must be boiled three times before eating.
  • A female blue shark’s skin is three times thicker than a blue male’s to survive courtship bites.[
  • Hammerhead sharks’ heads are soft at birth so they won’t jam the mothers’ birth canals.
  • Recent research indicates that when a shark plies surface waters (when the dorsal fin cuts through the sea’s surface), it could be detecting pressure waves associated with a struggling animal nearby.
  • The largest fish caught with a rod and reel was a Great White shark. It weighed 2,664 pounds and was almost 17 feet long.
  • A bull shark can live in both salt and fresh water by regulating salt and other substances in its blood. A bull shark may have been responsible for a 1916 shark attack that happened in a creek in New Jersey. They have also been found in the Mississippi River.
  • The world’s most unusual shark, the megamouth (Megachasma pelagios), wasn’t discovered until 1976. Its mouth can reach up to three feet across, while the rest of the body is about 16 feet long. Only 14 megamouths have ever been seen.
  • The shark that lives the longest is the spiny or piked dogfish (Acanthias). They usually live up to 70 years of age, but some may live until they are 100. Dogfish sharks are named for their tendency to attack prey like a pack of wild dogs would.
  • Approximately 100 million sharks are killed every year. Shark teeth are used to make necklaces; cartilage is used to make fertilizers; skin is used to make leather; liver is used to make face cream, sap, and fuel; and fins are used to make soup. The mass killing of sharks creates a negative, cascading effect in the global environment.
  • All living creatures emit small electrical signals as they breathe or move. Some sharks, particularly hammerheads, can use electricity to help them catch their prey—they pick up very small electrical impulses through hundreds of tiny holes in their faces, called Ampullae of Lorenzini.
  • Sometimes sharks attack metal objects. This might be because metal gives off weak electric signals in salt water that may confuse sharks.[
  • Even though almost equal numbers of men and women spend time in the ocean, no one knows why sharks seem to prefer to attack men. In fact, nearly 90% of shark attacks have happened to men.
  • The smallest shark is the dwarf lantern shark, which is only seven inches long. The longest shark is the whale shark, which can grow to a whopping 50 feet long and weigh more than 40,000 pounds. These behemoths are usually gentle and get all their food by sifting small animals out of the water.
  • Most sharks are born alive (viviparous). There are two ways a pup can grow inside the mother. In some sharks, the embryos feed on the yolk attached to their bellies. Other species have an umbilical cord that connects to a mother’s blood supply. A mother shark can give birth to up to 48 pups in one litter. The pups are usually born tail first and might rest beside their mother for a while before swimming away to fend for themselves.
  • Whale sharks give birth to the greatest number of pups. They can produce several hundred in a litter.
  • Basking sharks are pregnant for more than two years, while other sharks, such as the bonnet head shark, are pregnant for only a few months. The longest gestation period of any mammal is the elephant, at 22 months.
  • When it comes time to give birth, the female shark loses her appetite so she won’t be tempted to eat her own pups.
  • There are some things a shark cannot eat, such as a small fish called the Moses sole and the puffer fish. When a shark bites a sole, it releases a chemical in the shark’s mouth that makes the shark release it. Scientists are trying to duplicate this chemical so it can be used to keep sharks away from people.
  • Sometimes when fishermen catch a shark, they will cut off its fins for soup and throw the shark back into the sea—still alive. The mutilated shark is unable to swim or breathe and eventually dies.
  • Sharks do not have scales. Instead their skin is covered with denticles, which give the skin its roughness. As sharks grow, the denticles fall off and are replaced by larger ones.
  • Native Americans in Florida used the teeth of Great White sharks as arrowheads.
  • Some sharks—such as the Great White, Porbeagle, and Mako—have crescent-shaped tail fins and can swim very fast. Two researchers calculated a three-foot Shortfin Mako reached an amazing speed of 68 miles per hour, though generally the shark has been more reliably clocked at 46 mph. Both the Mako and the Great White can leap up out of the water.
  • Some sharks, like the wobbegong and angel sharks, are so flat that they look like they’re part of the sea floor.
  • Discovered in Japan in 1898, the goblin shark has a long snout, beady eyes, and pink-gray flabby skin. Some scientists call it “Frankenshark” because it looks so ugly. Its bizarre beak may be a step in evolution toward something like a saw shark or hammerhead shark.
  • Some large sharks have dramatically longer lifespans than small sharks. For instance, whale sharks (which generally range from 18 to 32 feet/5.5 to 10 meters in length) can live up to 100 years, while the smooth dogfish (with an average length between 2 and 4 feet/0.6 and 1.2 meters) might only live for 16 years.
  • Hearing is probably the best of all of a shark’s senses. Some sharks can hear prey in the water from 3,000 feet away. They are better at detecting low frequency sounds, so they can’t detect the high-frequency sounds dolphins make.
  • Nurse sharks are probably the laziest sharks, spending much of the day resting on the sandy sea floor, sometimes stacked on top of each other. When they get hungry, they are like giant vacuum cleaners, sucking prey off the sea floor or from between rocks.
  • Sharks have been called “swimming noses” because their sense of smell is so good (they smell with their nostrils but don’t breath through them). Some sharks can smell one part of blood in 100 million parts of water and can tell which direction that smell is coming from.
  • Sharks don’t get cavities probably because they are constantly shedding teeth. Sharks have 40-45 teeth, with up to seven rows of replacement teeth behind them. When a front tooth breaks or falls out, it takes only about one day for a replacement tooth to move forward to the front row. Sharks can go through more than 30,000 teeth in a lifetime. Newer teeth are always larger, so sharks can look scarier as they age.
  • Sharks do not have ears on the outside of their body, but rather on the inside of their heads.
  • Because of the long gestation period and the troublesome mating process, during which the female tiger shark gets badly bitten by the male, tiger sharks have pups only once every three years
  • Sharks have rows of small holes on the sides of their bodies called lateral line organs that are sensitive to small movements in the water...which is how they know when other fish swim near them.
  • Some sharks can bite hard enough to cut through a thick piece of steel. Like lions and other predators, sharks usually kill only when they are hungry, which isn’t very often. Some sharks can live a year without eating, living off the oil they stored in their bodies.
  • An ancient shark called Carcharodon Megalodon (“rough tooth, big tooth”) had the largest shark teeth ever found, measuring more than six inches long. Its jaws were big enough to swallow an entire car, and it was the same length as the dinosaur T-Rex. Some people believe this shark may still exist in deep water.
  • Humans stand little chance of surviving a shark attack. One of the most startling incidents of a shark attack occurred in Tasmania, Australia, in 1993. Terri Cartwright died instantly when a 15-foot Great White bit her in half as her horrified family watched from a boat. She was last seen in its mouth. Part of her leg and a piece of her wet suit were later found.
  • The thrasher (fox, slasher, or swingle-tail) shark uses its long tail to fish. Its tail can be half the length of its whole body—up to 10 feet. It uses its tail like a bat or whip that either smacks or stuns its prey.
  • The largest and strongest known predatory fish in the sea, the Great White shark (also called White Death), can grow up to 30 feet long and is the only fish that lifts its head out of the water as if to investigate surface objects. Its jaw is six times stronger than a wolf’s and has about two-thirds the biting strength of a Tyrannosaurus Rex’s jaw. The Great White is responsible for 30-50% of all deadly attacks on humans.
  • Tiger shark is the second-most dangerous shark in the world,  sometimes called the “garbage can of the sea” because it will eat anything, including animal carcasses, tin cans, car tires, and other garbage. One was even found having a chicken coop with the remains of bones and feathers inside its stomach.
  • Sharks may use the Earth’s magnetic field with special organs that act as a compass to navigate the oceans.
  • Until the nineteenth century, some inhabitants of the islands in the South Pacific considered sharks to be gods and offered human sacrifices to them.[4]
  • In Borneo, to stop babies from crying, the saw from a sawfish shark is covered in cloth and hung over the cradle.
  • Although there are about 400 different types of sharks, fewer than 20% of them are larger than adult humans.
  • While the ostrich lays the largest eggs on land, the whale shark lays the largest eggs in the world. An egg from a whale shark measuring 14 inches in diameter was found in the Gulf of Mexico in 1953.

Friday, December 13, 2019

J.K. Rowling

Suka sama novel-novel Harry Potter? Artinya sudah sangat familiar dengan nama J.K. Rowling sang penulis dan pencipta Harry Potter. Buat yang kurang hobi membaca karena novel Harry Potter terbilang amat sangat tebal mungkin sudah menonton filmnya. Saya sendiri lebih suka membaca novelnya dulu, kemudian menonton filmya untuk membandingkan hehehe. Membaca dan menonton mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing. Di film kita bisa melihat secara visual namun banyak cerita yang 'hilang' karena tidak mungkin menceritakan sedetail seperti di novel. Buat saya pribadi, membaca novel-novel Harry Potter sangat menyenangkan. Sang penulis J.K. Rowling mampu menceritakan dan menggambarkan secara detail tokoh dan alur ceritanya sehingga saya bisa membayangkan sosok Harry Potter, Hermione, Ron, Professor Dumbledore, larut dalam suasana Hogwards...kelas sihir dan lain-lain tanpa harus menonton filmnya hehehe.... Salut buat J.K. Rowling deh, tidak heran kalau novel-novel Harry Potter menjadi bestseller dan ketika di filmkan, semua filmnya menjadi box office.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Unique Facts : Interesting and Cool Facts About Human's DNA

It's really fun, useful and interesting to found out Facts about our  DNA.
So continue reading below :

  1. DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid.
  2. DNA is part of our definition of a living organism and DNA is found in all living things.
  3. DNA was first isolated in 1869 by Friedrich Miescher. Then James Watson and Francis Crick figured out the structure of DNA.
  4. Almost all the cells in our body have DNA with the exception of red blood cells.
  5. A parent and child share 99.5% of the same DNA.
  6. You have 98% of your DNA in common with a chimpanzee.
  7. If you could type 60 words per minute, eight hours a day, it would take approximately 50 years to type the human genome.
  8. If you put all the DNA molecules in your body end to end, the DNA would reach from the Earth to the Sun and back over 600 times (100 trillion times six feet divided by 92 million miles).
  9. Humans and cabbage share about 40-50% common DNA.
  10. Humans have at least 30,000 genes but Goldfish have more genes than humans do.
  11. DNA is the “blueprint” of life.
  12. Every human being shares 99% of their DNA with every other human.
  13. Our entire DNA sequence is called a genome and there’s an estimated 3 billion DNA bases in our genome.
  14. Changes in the DNA sequence are called mutations, Many thing can cause mutations, including UV irradiation from the sun, chemicals like drugs, etc. Mutations can involve more than one DNA base, Mutations can involve entire segments of chromosomes.
  15. Even though it codes for all the information that makes up an organism, DNA is built using only four building blocks, the nucleotides adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine.
  16. Your gender and physical characteristics are determined by your DNA.
  17. The DNA ladder usually twists to the right.
  18. One million bases (called a megabase and abbreviated Mb) of DNA sequence data is roughly equivalent to 1 megabyte of computer data storage space.
  19. If you unwrap all the DNA you have in all your cells, you could reach the moon 6000 times!
  20. DNA tests can help you understand your risk of disease.
  21. A DNA mutation or variation may be associated with a higher risk of a number of diseases, including breast cancer.
  22. DNA tests can help you understand your family history aka genetic genealogy.
  23. Genes are made of DNA.
  24. Genes are pieces of DNA passed from parent to offspring that contain hereditary information.
  25. DNA is affected by the environment; environmental factors can turn genes on and off.
  26. DNA is used in identify victims of accidents or crime.
  27. DNA is used to exonerate innocent people who’ve been wrongly convicted.
  28. Many countries, including the US and UK, maintain a DNA database of convicted criminals.
  29. DNA can be extracted from many different types of samples: blood, cheek cells, urine.
  30. DNA can be stored either as cells on a cotton swab, buccal brush, or frozen blood or in extracted form.
  31. In forensics, DNA analysis usually looks at 13 specific DNA markers (segments of DNA).
  32. Our sex cells–eggs and sperm–have only half of our total DNA.
  33. Lists about DNA can get a little boring.

Source :

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Tips Sehat : Tahukah Anda 6 Jenis Makanan Ini Bisa Mengganggu Kinerja Otak

Kita sudah mendengar banyak soal makanan super dan manfaatnya. Namun, jangan lupakan pula ada banyak makanan dengan efek buruk dan bisa memengaruhi fungsi otak.

Untuk jenis-jenis makanan tak bersahabat tersebut, disarankan untuk mengkonsumsinya secara bijak untuk membatasi dampak buruknya.

Berikut ini adalah enam makanan yang bisa mempengaruhi daya kerja otak.

1. Gula
Gula dan makanan manis tidak baik, bukan hanya bisa membuat gemuk tapi juga berbahaya buat fungsi otak. Konsumsi gula berlebih bisa mengakibatkan masalah neurologis dan merusak memori. Gula bisa mengganggu kemampuan belajar. Jadi, hindarilah produk-produk yang mengandung gula dan fruktosa tinggi.

2. Makanan hasil proses
Hampir semua makanan hasil proses mengandung bahan kimia, pewarna, pemanis buatan, dan pengawet yang bisa mempengaruhi fungsi kognitif otak.

3. Sodium
Kita semua sudah tahu bahwa makanan yang mengandung garam bisa menyebabkan tekanan darah tinggi dan tak baik buat kesehatan jantung. Menurut riset, konsumsi terlalu banyak garam bisa merusak fungsi kognitif otak dan menurunkan kemampuan untuk berpikir.

4. Pemanis buatan
Banyak orang yang khawatir dengan kalori yang ada di dalam gula dan beralih ke pemanis buatan. Padahal sebenarnya, pemanis buatan lebih berbahaya dari gula, terutama bila dikonsumsi dengan jumlah banyak setiap hari.

5. Tahu
Menurut banyak penelitian, tahu bisa menaikkan risiko pikun.

6. Alkohol
Alkohol bisa merusak otak dengan cara menghambat aliran darah dan mempengaruhi fungsi neuro transmiter dengan cara mempersempit pembuluh darah dan berdampak sangat besar pada fungsi otak.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Quotes About Happiness

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
- Mahatma Gandhi -

"Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open."
- John Barrymore -

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Unique Daily Info : Manfaat Yoga

Manfaat yoga sebagai olahraga paling cocok dilakukan oleh semua umur tentu sangat penting bagi semua orangMelakukan yoga sebagai olaraga rutin sangat penting, ia efektif membantu para menula, ibu hamil, serta berbagai keluhan kesehatan lainnya. Yoga cocok dilakukan oleh semua usia, jenis kelamin, dan segala kondisi medis (dengan petunjuk dokter). Yoga sendiri sebenarnya sudah diperkenalkan sangat lama sekali, kira-kira 2000 tahun sebelum masehi. Nah, pada saat ini yoga merupakan salah satu alternative olahraga yang banyak diminati, karena manfaatnya yang sangat banyak, yoga juga tidak membutuhkan kekuatan fisik prima seperti olahraga lainnya, yaitu berlari, sepakbola, tinju, dan sebagainya
Sebenarnya apa saja manfaat yoga ini? Ada banyak sekali. Berikut ini beberapa manfaat yoga bagi yang perlu Anda ketahui

Yang pertama, gerakan-gerakan yang terdapat pada yoga merupakan bentuk gerakan-gerakan tubuh dan anggota badan secara perlahan-lahan. Gerakan badan secara perlahan lahan ini akan membuat tubuh anda menjadi rileks dan santai. Selain itu, biasanya backsound atau suara latar pada saat melakukan yoga adalah suara-suara alam, seperti aliran air atau hembusan udara yang sangat membuat diri anda menjadi sangat rileks. BIsa juga gerakan yoga diiringi dengan music-musik bertempo lambat, yang akan membuat anda menjadi tenang, santai dan rileks pada saat melakukan yoga.
 Menjaga Kebugaran Tubuh
Dengan melakukan yoga, secara otomatis anda akan merasa lebih sehat dan bugar. Hal ini dikarenakan, selain adanya relaksasi, gerakan-gerakan pada yoga juga menstimulus bagian tubuh anda untuk tetap bergerak secara aktif, sehingga anda akan merasa lebih bugar dari sebelumnya

 Melancarkan Peredaran Darah
Sama dengan berbagai jenis olahraga yang dapat ditekuni, yoga juga dapat bermanfaat untuk memperlancar peredaran darah. Hal ini dapat membantu anda agar terhindar dari beberapa penyakit, seperti jantung dan penyumbatan pembuluh darah
Memperindah Bentuk Tubuh
Bagi para wanita yang ingin memperindah bentuk tubuhnya, cobalah melakukan olahraga ini. Yoga efektif dalam membentuk tubuh anda. gerakan-gerakan pada yoga akan membantu anda dalam mebentuk tubuh anda. hal ini terjadi sebagai akibat dari terbakarnya lemak dan terbentuknya otot-otot tertentu yang tentunya dapat mempercantik tubuh anda.
 Membakar Lemak Dalam Tubuh
Pada umumnya semua gerakan-gerakan pada semua olahraga akan membantu anda membakar lemak di dalam tubuh anda, begitu pula dengan yoga. Gerakan gerakan yang terdapat pada yoga akan membantu anda dalam membakar lemak di tubuh. Hal ini dapat anda lihat dari banyaknya keringat yang keluar ketika anda melakukan yoga. Keringat adalah bukti bahwa sedang terjadi pembakaran lemak yang terjadi di dalam diri anda
Mengencangkan Otot
Banyak gerakan-gerakan dalam yoga yang dapat membantu anda untuk mengencangkan otot-otot. Pada umumnya, otot perut, punggung dan dada merupakan bagian bagian yang dapat mengencang karena melakukan yoga. Dan hal ini sudah terbukti dari banyak sekali orang yang sudah melakukan yoga, hampir semua merasakan bertambah kencangnya otot-otot tubuh mereka

Meningkatkan Fungsi Pernafasan
Selain mengoptimalkan kerja jantung, yoga juga dapat mengoptimalkan kerja paru – paru, yang berujung pada fungsi pernapasan yang akan meningkat. Teknik-teknik pernapasan dan relaksasi pada olahraga yoga akan membantu anda mengoptimalkan kerja paru-paru, dan membuat anda memiliki fungsi peranapasan yang lebih baik lagi.
Meningkatkan Fleksibilitas Tubuh dan Persendian
Yoga juga dapat bermanfaat bagi keluwesan atau fleksibilitas tubuh serta persendian anda. Gerakan-gerakan pada yoga membutuhkan fleksibilitas tubuh, seperti gerakan memutar, menyilangkan kaki, ataupun gerakan kayang. Semakin sering anda melakukan gerakan-gerakan yoga, maka keluwesan dan fleksibilitas tubuh serta persendian anda akan terjaga dan semakin meningkat
 Meningkatkan Konsentrasi dan Daya Ingat
Ya, gerakan-gerakan dalam yoga terdiri dari gerakan-gerakan kecil dari anggota tubuh anda. anda dituntut untuk berkonsentrasi penuh agar bisa melakukan gerakan-gerakan yoga tersebut dengan baik. Selain itu, ketika akan melakukan relaksasi anda juga akan terlatih untuk meningkatkan konsentrasi anda. Konsentrasi akan berbanding lurus dengan kemampuan daya ingat anda. Apabila anda sudah mampu meningkatkan konsentrasi anda, maka dapat dipastikan daya ingat anda pun akan lebih baik setelah melakukan yoga.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Unique Daily History : Historical Events on 1st December

Check it out, Historical events in First December over years ago :

  • 800 - Charlemagne judges the accusations against Pope Leo III in the Vatican.
  • 1420 - Henry V of England enters Paris.