Monday, August 18, 2014

Unique Daily History - 18 August

Let's check it out Historical Events on 18th August :

293 BC - The oldest known Roman temple to Venus is founded , starting the institution of Vinalia Rustica .
1289 - Pope Nicolaus IV publishes degree "Supra montem "
1541 - A Portuguese ship drifts ashore in the ancient Japanese province of Higo (modern day Kumamoto Prefecture ). (Traditional Japanese date : July 27 , 1541)
1564 - Spanish king Philip II joins Council of Trente

1587 - Saul Wahl is elected King of Poland, according to legend .
1591 - Governor of Roanoke Island colony returns from England & found everyone in the colony had disappeared [ or Aug 17,1590 ]
1605 - Spanish army under of general Spinola conquerors Lingen
1636 - The Covenant of the Town of Dedham , Massachusetts is first signed.
1686 - Cassini reports seeing a satellite orbiting Venus
1698 - Russian czar Peter the Great arrives in Zaandam
1700 - Swedish , English & Dutch army lands on Seeland, Denmark
1759 -  2nd sea battle of Lagos: England vs France
1769 - Gunpowder in Brescia Italy church explodes, killing 3000
1795 - Curacao governor De Veer sends miltia to stop rebellious slaves
1834 - Mt Vesuvius erupts
1848 - Camila O ' Gorman and Ladislao Gutierrez are executed on the orders of Argentine dictator Juan Manuel de Rosas .
1858 - Netherlands & Japan sign trade agreement
1868 - Pierre Janssan discovers helium in solar spectrum during eclipse
1870 - Battle at Gravelotte Privat : Prussia beat France , 32, 000 casualties
1904 - Chris Watson resigns as Prime Minister of Australia and is succeeded by George Reid.
1917 - A Great Fire in Thessaloniki , Greece destroys 32% of the city leaving 70, 000 individuals homeless .
1919 - Anti - Cigarette League of America forms in Chicago Illinois
1925 - Cardinal Mercier warns Belgians against socialism /liberalism
1938 - FDR dedicates Thousand Islands Bridge connecting US & Canada
1940 - Battle of Britain - ' The hardest day " Luftwaffe attacks the RAF in largest ever air battle
1940 - 71 German aircrafts shot down above England
1941 - German concentration camp Amersfoort opens
1943 - Final convoy of Jews from Salonika Greece arrive at Auschwitz
1944 - Paris railroad workers strike against nazi occupiers
1944 - US 15 th Army corp reaches Mantes- Gassicourt near Paris
1954 - James E Wilkins is 1st black to attend a US cabinet meeting
1955 - Sjukri al- Quwatli re elected president of Syria
1957 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1958 - Fidel Castro makes a speech on Cuban pirate radio Rebelde
1958 - US performs atmospheric nuclear test at Enwetak
1964 - Charles Helu elected president of Lebanon
1964 - South Africa banned from Olympic Games because of apartheid policies
1964 - USSR launch 3 Kosmos satellites
1976 - USSR' s Luna 24 soft - lands on Moon
1976 - In the Korean Demilitarized Zone at Panmunjeom , the Axe Murder Incident results in the death of two US soldiers .
1979 - Iran Ayatollah Khomeini demands Saint War against Kurds
1979 - USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakh /Semipalitinsk USSR
1982 - Japanese election law is amended to allow for proportional representation .
1983 - Samantha Druce , age 12y 119d is youngest woman to swim English Channel
1983 - USSR performs nuclear test at Novaya Zemlya USSR
1985 - Suisei Launch (Halley' s Comet Flyby )
1988 - Republican Convention in New Orleans select Bush - Quayle ticket
2000 - A Federal jury finds the US EPA guilty of discrimination against Dr . Marsha Coleman- Adebayo, under the Civil Rights Act of
2005 - Dennis Rader is sentenced to 175 years in prison for the BTK serial killings .
2005 - Massive power blackout hits the Indonesian island of Java, affecting almost 100 million people .
2008 - President Of Pakistan Pervez Musharaf resigned due to pressure from opposition .
2011 - The West Memphis Three are released from prison after 18 years in imprisonment
2012 - Al - Qaeda militants kill 14 people in an attack in Aden , Yemen
2012 - NATO air strikes kill at least 13 militants in Afghanistan

"The past reminds us of timeless human truths and allows for the perpetuation of cultural traditions that can be nourishing; it contains examples of mistakes to avoid, preserves the memory of alternatives ways of doing things, and is the basis for self-understanding..." - Bettina Drew

"History could tell us anything....history could lie, but science theory of Human Evolution is the worst." - Unique

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